mY sOngs...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Hi, Japanese....

I go to Japanese Class today, the first Japanese lesson in my life....

Actually thought of taking a foreign language in university long long time ago, but then my original timetable made me headache every semester and I cant even have sufficient time for other subjects...Maybe it's only an excuse and I didn't take any effort to achieve it....

It's a circumstances that I will register to this Japanese course. Planned to take French before as my dream country is France. But then heard that it's quite hard for it and just give up...haha...Never think of taking Japanese before because i do not like to watch Japanese drama and think of this language is just so common (i feel sorry i got such kind of thinking,haha ).

My first Japanese Drama was "One Litre Tears" , in UKM...Followed by " Code Blue", "Bloody Monday" and 《亡者之声》...and I cant even believe I will be taking Japanese in future!!!

AR wishes to take Japanese long time ago, and this semester she finally takes it successfully....I am able to take and learn Japanese, the one that I should thanks for is AR. She was so excited and went through UKM Smpweb several times in a day...She was so enthusiasm to help me registering the Japanese when there's 3 places last night!!! If is not her, I think I wont be there for Japanese....

Today is actually a nice day to sleep till afternoon, because it's a raining day...freezing!!! But since I already register, I should go and see what's going on!! I late for the class today after searching the bs4 for so long....I went into bs4 and found out it's Arabic Class...What a shock and I don't know whom should I ask...Then I tried my luck by going to bt4...Luckily my instinct was correct....hehe

It's Nezu Sensee...She is a nice teacher...She really an ideal Japanese woman...She is so cute when she want to explain the term in the language we know but she cant really can speak English properly....We were like 鸡同鸭讲 in the class....But she just smile and try her best to understand us....

Most of them in the class already know Hiragana...I really very blur and don't know how to see the words...feel nervous also as I don't know anyone in the class and don't know how to spell the words out when asked by Sensee...

Luckily, CP is going to take Japanese with me,then we can go class together... It's an unfortunately that SV & YP cant take it with us....but dont worry, we can teach you after we learn it...hehe..

Sunday, July 19, 2009


好“烦忙”的的一个星期!!这个学期要报读的科目还没有确定,再加上kIz Gathering又搞得不上不下,真的很头痛!!!好在这个星期可以悠闲悠闲呆在家里,充充电,让自己做好心理准备去迎接以后毫无预警的日子。。。

最终还是摆脱不了Aini, 还是得去上她的课。当她知道我们这一群人的所作所为时,或许会针对我们几个,但逼于无奈,还是得硬着头皮去。。。现在也只能希望她不要那么记仇,唉!!就让我们平平安安 ,顺顺利利过完这个学期吧!!


Noreha 的教学方式我自认是听不进去也听不懂 (上回已有了Macro的经验了 ),现在也不晓得还能怎样?!听说她的功课也是超多的,这个学期只有茫忙盲了。。。惨 :-(

还有那个Killer(教Perakaunan Sektor Awam),更加恐怖。。。竟然是个提倡无书主义者!他以为我们每个都像他一样博学多才,不用读书就能博古通今!!哎呀,我们是有自知之明的,自问肚里的墨水不够!!或许是因为这个科目太时事化了,根本就没有一本书是可以完全囊括它的范围,也可能作者会以自己的角度出发,以致我们会被他限于一个框框内,但也不至于叫我们不要去看书吧。。。没有任何 Input, 你哪来的Output哦??!!只是空讲,我们学生的记忆也是有限的,那到时我们拿什么去考试?!


大薇突然告诉我小琳子和小慧子临时决定不去马六甲了!!本来一场高高兴兴的旅游,从原本的15 个人,到现在的八个人,感觉有点扫兴!!为什么大家就不能拨出一点时间让大家聚一聚,明明约好了,却可以临时反悔,很没有责任感!!现在的情况是只有几个人知道,倘若告诉了其他人,相信人数又会再减少了!!到头来,就像是我们几个自己主办的旅游了。。。


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Sekinchan Trip .....

Finally brought my UKM friends visited my's planned long long time ago...and it came true...GREAT !!!

It's the first time for me to be a tourist guide, hope that I never disappointed them...Actually there's nothing much to see in a small town like Sekinchan, just some paddy fields and seafood as the attraction....But unlucky, they all cant view the panorama of paddy fields because they being harvested and burned last month... never mind, can come again next time...

One thing i felt sorry for them is that mostly the seafood is so hot and spicy...Already asked the chef to make them less spicy but then, still were too hot for them...maybe it's the style of my hometown, haha....And I think it's the first time we attacked by lots of mosquitoes during our dinner at the restaurant near the seaside...An unforgettable memory...

We went to Bagan Tengkorak to watch the there, we did a lots of crazy's very funny and we did have a good time for it...I think this is the first time they went to a fish village surrounded by sea...therefore, no wonder they took so many pictures for it, haha..

Another interesting event was eating the xia gu!! All of them except CP never seen and eat xia gu before...and to my surprise, they described it as cockroach and caterpillar!!! Oh my God...It's actually one kind of prawn they all learned how to peel the xia gu...

Hope they really enjoyed the trip and have a nice memory for it....

Yeah, Mission Complete!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Unlucky Start !!!

Don't know why, starting feel that this semester wont be so smooth...getting mostly the sets that are not really good and the subjects getting tougher and tougher!!!
(This sentences was written on the first week of university re-open!!)

And today (second week), it proves!!! Haiz...

Firstly is SP class...that En.Jumaat really a killer!! In my opinion, he is an overbearing lecturer!! He thought he knows all the things and did not want to listen to others!! Why got such a lecturer in this UKM & in this world???!! It's true that there's a lots of technical problems occurred when registering this SP course, we did went to the class last week, just there's nobody in the class, therefore we left... But he was very stubborn and insisted that he only saw a student in the class...Another thing upset me was that he as a lecturer even dare to curse a student who did not attend his class!!! what a suck manner!!! why a lecturer can act like that??!!! after that he even cursed us so that we all get C & D in SP since he will be doing the exam paper!! I really think his ethic has a big problem!!!

Secondly is Audit class...suddenly we being informed that our lecturer is a part-time lecturer and the class will be held on Friday night!!! Oh my goodness, why is Friday night?!! I still can accept if it's one of the weekday night!!! I think most of them agree with me!! But we cant do anything right now,just have to wait for the coming class...hopefully the lecturer will change the time...if not, all of us cant go home during this semester :-

Thirdly is SMPK 2...haiz, really very unlucky this semester, get Aini set again!! How come?? Try to change to other set, but then afraid if fail to do so, Aini will have prejudice to us, then we all die straight away!!!! Hence, the last choice is that we have to drop this course and pray that Dr. Zaher can manually register our names into his set!!! If not, no choice, will have to take it next sem!!!

Conclusion is that I feel that I really have a bad luck for this sem...May God Bless me...

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today is the last day of my holiday!! Not really enjoy it too many things to be busy...

Just back from grandma's house on Monday, then accompany Boon went to Inti College on Wednesday. Friday is the day 7 of grandma,hence went to grandma's house to pray for her!! Today is Saturday, have to appreciate the time left...

A new semester is coming, hope everything will be going well...

Thursday, July 2, 2009










