We are all something, but none of us are everything. Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
终于做了最后的决定。还是去了。犹豫了整一个礼拜,基于考试的压力,就暂且搁在一旁。再来就是想找个人一起去,比较没酱怕,哈哈。。。原本想邀小文一起去的,但她好像没什么兴趣,有想过就酱算了吧,还是乖乖呆在家吧!可是心还是痒痒的,在最后关头让我想起了茗莺。可能是射手座的关系,我们真的是一拍即合,谈了不久就达成协议了!好兴奋!!其实有发现我们俩还真的蛮合得来的,是同星座的关系吗?! 算一算我以前没什么射手座的朋友,要算也只有LCK咯。怎知到了大学射手座的人还真多的叻!!一起闹着玩的都已经有三个了(算上我自己啦)。。。以前都没想过这种什么什么星座的,可能是被我家的神婆小黎子分析多了,自己偶尔也会朝这方面去看东西!!嘻嘻
后来,我发现现在只有她一个人在家,小弟去了云顶玩了,可以感觉她一个人在家真的有点无聊。 自从爸爸不在后,真的有开始想到,以后可能就只剩妈妈一个人在家了。虽然小弟还是整天往外跑,但至少让她有机会唠叨唠叨几句,也不至于整间家死气沉沉的。。现在还说有个小弟在家,以后当他也必须出去了,就真的只剩妈妈了。。。或许应该养成常打电话回家的习惯,让她可以觉得我们都常在!!!好吧,就这样决定!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Study Week...
Finally it’s study time!! Huh!! Wonder if study week is really for studying or relaxing?!! Found out most of us were those who happy go lucky for the whole sem then struggling in study week!!! really shame of it...Actually I promised to myself that I won't repeat this irresponsible action again at the beginning of the sem, but after all, I am doing so during this sem...
This sem is really a tough sem--- tons of assignments, especially the scaring Database Development!!! Oh my God, that's really a nightmare for me!! What is the logic that an accountant should develop a database?! Attend to SMPK class for the whole sem, and I found out I learn nothing!!! Dreadful....Burn the midnight oil and did nothing!! However, since the project carries 30% , tons of effort was putting on it and I hope we get what we deserve at the end...
AA is another nightmare!! First time.... For the first time, I care no a whit for the AA result!! I know the result was terrible and tried not to get to know anything abt it...Actually I know that I cant accept the result and I know I was just escaping...But I really put lots effort towards it, how come the result was so disappointed??!! I tried very hard to get to know the lecture, but....maybe it showed to me that I will not be a good acquirer in the future...(and I do not have such intent before too). By the way, one thing that relieved me was the presentation!! We get compliment from Dr.Zaleha...Really do not know what she wants actually!! When we held discussion together with her, she complaint that our points were just same with what we discussed with her before...But then, during presentation, she praised us for putting a lots of our own ideas in it... OMG....haiz...Whatever, as long as she satisfied, then all will be done!!!
Erm, as for audit, what should I said about it??!! Lecturer?? He is a good auditor (as least I think so), but not really a good lecturer...He told us his experiences during his career life but, most of his stories were "tergantung"....=.=''' Maybe that's why I cant make up my mind to listen to him for the next time...however, really felt guilty and regret at this moment that I missed out many important lectures the while sem!!!
Okay, back to the main topic---Study Week!! Everytime when I really make up my mind to study, it only can sustain for a few hours in a day, then the rest of the day I got nothing... absentminded i think....what can I do?? Haven touch all the subjects at all....don't know what will happen to me ....